Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder Invite a Friend Campaign

So I'm working on my Subaru reviews, but my actual real life work that pays the bills as well as my otome addiction has been ridiculous this week. Hopefully the reviews will be up sometime this weekend because I need to get all the Subaru feels out before my brain explodes!
In the meantime, if you lovely readers of mine are playing the Baddest Bidder game by Voltage and you have an intense desire to enter in some codes for the Invite a Friend Campaign, you can totally enter mine. If you do, and we ever meet, I will give you the highest of high fives and buy you ice cream or a corn dog. Those are your only options :)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment!! I read them all, and I appreciate anyone that takes the time to say hi or share their thoughts!