Monday, February 10, 2014

Shall We Date?: Can't Say No, Akira Kasamatsu Normal Ending Review

I went back and got the normal ending in Akira's route, and mere mortal words can not explain how glad I am that I went back and got this ending. I would have been missing out on soooo many obscene screenshots and some of the best lines this particular MC has ever uttered. This ending is pretty unbelievable, I assure you.
I've already reviewed the rest of the route and the other two endings here, so this will simply be all about the normal ending.  This worked out well, I feel like this needs it's own entry any way.

So you go to the Coffee Shop owner for advice, similar to the other two endings, but you end up making the most ridiculous, though at the same time pretty amazing, decision ever regarding what to do with Akira and that whole pesky affair situation you've got going on.

This is one of the smartest things this MC ever said.
My jaw dropped to the floor. Also, let's talk about Owner's amazing face once again. That is the most plastered on smile full of utter what the fuckery that I have ever seen.
After business hours you go to your workplace to talk to Akira, and you are the only two people in the building...or so you think. Things just spiral straight into 50 Shades of Grey territory pretty quickly after you verbally bitch slap Akira in the face with a huge reality check.



That is perhaps my most favorite MC line ever.
You both agree that marriage to one another is in fact vomit inducing, but you can't let go of the apparently amazing sexy times you have together. So the affair is just going to continue, but now that we don't have to worry about feelings or any of that other shit that tends to complicate things, the sexy times can now be taken to a whole new RIDICULOUSLY RIDICULOUS level of RIDICULOUSNESS. This will mostly be screenshots, because words literally fail me with this ending.
WHOA, HOLD UP. This sounds incredibly awkward and not at all sexy. I can't even picture how this would happen, it seems so weird and like it would be extremely uncomfortable. Or am I missing out on some kind of amazing chin foreplay I should know about?
Oh my goodness.
OH MY GOSH. I just realized that there are people who get paid to write this stuff. How do I get a job like that?!?!

That's never good.
Nothing at all, everything is great.
So the security guard comes in, and at this point I really worried that this was going to turn into some kind of threesome due to how sadistic Akira was being.  He really, really wanted the security guard to see you in all sorts of disarray. I was pretty sure my heart would just up and quit if that was going to happen, so I walked away to get an otter pop from the freezer and check my email. (I got an email from OkCupid saying I had a message from someone with the screen name 420_ThUgZ, so I quickly shut down my email and returned to Akira and the Security Guard because real life sucks.)
YES, there was a whole weird chin thing, and actual scissors, and Wendy almost passed out like 15 separate times.
Oh, and there's that.
So you push the security guard out of the room while thanking him for a job well done guarding everything so securely, and Akira picks up right where he left off. 

I can't believe my eyes just saw this. What is my life?

I am dying. I am dead. Do not resuscitate, I can't possibly go on.
Well I'm glad someone feels alive, because I am DEAD.

What are you doing to me Solmare?!?! Just when I think an ending to one of their games can't get any dirtier, they pull this shit out of their magic bag o' smut. And I love it. Even though I may not necessarily agree with this particular ending and the choice that was made, or maybe I do agree with it and think the choice was a wise one indeed, who knows at this point because I can't even tell you what day it is and I actually should probably be at work right now but I can't think straight so I'm not....this ending was damn exciting.
Wendy's Otome Rating Scale
7 fangirl screams out of 10.
Preferred snacks for Akira's normal ending; 
There is no time to eat, plus you'd probably just choke on anything you tried to swallow (that's what she said!) due to the overall shock of this ending, so you're better off not eating at this point.
When it's all said and done though, have an AMF, (alcoholic cocktail, it stands for Adios Motha' Fucka'), because you'll need to just pass out before you have anymore time to think about your life choices that have led to you playing a romance sim game in which you have an affair with a married man, and yet you feel 100% okay with it.

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